
Antony and The Johnsons @ Nob Hill Masonic

Holy shit! It was great. Many people saw Antony last year with the orchestra. This year it is him with the band. In San Francisco, it seems just right. Antony used to live here and beg for money in Union Square. He was anecdotal. He apologized to people sitting behind him. The band was great. They went through old and new songs. Some of the new songs sounded better live. A surprise was that William Basinski opened up the show. He did about a half hour of ambient noise.

He played:

a new song?
Her Eyes Are Underneath The Ground
Epilepsy Is Dancing
One Dove
For Today I Am A Boy
Another World
Shake That Dog
You Are My Sister
Fistful of Love
Kiss My Name
The Crying Light

+ 3 more

Some drunk guy got thrown out after two songs. It was wild. I left and went to Mezzanine to see Deerhunter. I hung out with Mark Eitzel, and we went to a bar in the Mission. Eitzel is playing a show with Bob Mould on Satuday.


Books/November 1998

Books/November 1998


Amis, Martin London Fields
Bail, Murray Eucalyptus
Bamberger, W. C. A Jealousy For Aesop
Barden, Dan John Wayne: A Novel
Beckett, Samuel Happy Days
Berners, Lord First Childhood
Berners, Lord A Distant Prospect
Coupland, Douglas Life After God (signed)
Cruz, Ricardo Cortez Five Days of Bleeding
Davidson, Toni Intoxication
DeLillo, Don Libra
Doestoecsky, Fyodor Notes From The Underground
Ducornet, Rikki The Word "Desire"
Ellis, Bret Easton Glamorama
Faulkner, William The Wild Palms
Felske, Coerte Word
Golding, William Lord of The Flies
Gonzales, Mark Broken Poems
Hawthorne, Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter
Hoch, Danny Jails, Hospitals & Hip-Hop and Some People
Homer The Iliad
Homer The Odyssey
Kapralov, Yuri Once There Was A Village
King, John The Football Factory
Loos, Anita Gentleman Prefer Blondes
Minot, Susan Evening
Muller, Heiner Hamletmachine
Murakami, Ryu Coin Locker Babies
Murakami, Ryu Almost Transparent Blue
Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita
O'Brien, Flann The Dalkey Archive
Queneau, Raymond Exercises in Style
Rice, Doug A Good Cuntboy is Hard To Find
Rice, Doug Blood of Mugwump
Robbe-Grillet, Alain Two Novels
Robbins, Tom Another Roadside Attraction
Robinson, Bruce The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman
Rosenthal, Irving Sheeper
Ruff, Matt Sewer, Gas & Electric
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold Venus in Furs
Sendak, Maurice Where The Wild Things Are
Shirley, John New Noir
Sorrentino, Gilbert The Sky Changes
Sterne, Laurence Tristram Shandy
Sukenick, Ron Doggy Bag
Troy, Robin Floating
de Vilmorin, Louise Madame de
Williams, Diane Excitability
Wood, Ed Death of a Transvestite
Woolf, Viginia Orlando
Zola, Emile L'assommoir


Adriani, Gotz Joseph Beuys: Life & Works
Bellows, David Georges Perec: a life in words
Benderson, Bruce Toward The New Degeneracy
Benson, Harry The Beatles: Now and Then
Berger, William Wagner Without Fear
Bergreen, Laurence Louis Armstrong
Bleiler, David TLA Film and Video Guide
Blesh, Rudi Keaton
Blythe, Will Why I Write
Borges, Jorge Luis Collected Fictions
Boswell, James The Life of Samuel Johnson
Boyd, Andrew Life's Little Deconstruction Book
Buckley, William F The Lexicon
Collin, Matthew Altered State
David, Hans Theodore J. S. Bach's Musical Offering
Davis, Mike City of Quartz
Davis, Kenneth C. Don't Know Much About The Bible
Dowrick, Stephanie Forgiveness & Other Acts of Love
Epel, Naomi The Observation Deck
Factor, TR The Letters of Wanda Tinasky
Frank, Thomas Commodify Your Dissent
Friedler, Greg Naked Los Angeles
Gilmore, Mikal Shot in The Heart
Gontarski, S. E. On Beckett
Gorman, Herbert S. James Joyce
Graves, Robert Reader Over Your Shoulder
Heidegger, Martin An Introduction to Metaphysics
Herman, Jeff Book Proposal
Home, Stewart The Assault on Culture
Hoskyns, Barney Glam!
Jackson, Kenneth T. The Encyclopedia of New York City
Keith, Jim Secret and Supressed
Kern, Richard New York Girls
King, Gary C. Blood Lust
Kitto, H. D. F. Greek Tragedy
Kingsley, Peter In The Dark Places of Wisdom
Laermer, Richard Native's Guide to New York
Lasseter, Don Property of The Folsom Wolf
Lesser, Milton Strange Animals of Australia
Levine, Michael Music Address Book
Livingstone, Marco David Hockney
MacDarragh, Fred Beat Generation
Mathews, Harry Immeasurable Distances
Morris, Dennis Destroy
Motte, Warren Oulipo: a primer
Neal, Charles Tape Delay
Nietzsche, Fred Thus Spoke Zarathustra
O'Toole, Laurence Pornocopia
Passelecq, Georges The Hidden Encyclical of Pius XI
Pierce, Jeffrey Lee Go Tell The Mountain
Plutarch Lives
Reed, Jeremy Scott Walker: Another Tear Falls
Ronell, Avital Crack Wars
Smith, Jack Wait For Me At The Bottom of The Pool
Sargeant, Jack Suture: The Arts Journal
Slocombe, Romaine Tristes Vacances
Smith, Ken Raw Deal
Snowden, Don Make The Music Go Bang
Solanas, Valerie Scum Manifesto
Steinke, Darcey Jesus Saves
Sturgis, Matthew Aubrey Beardsley: A Biography
Texier, Catherine Breakup (signed)
Thurber, James Is Sex Necessary?
Tillman, Lynne The Velvet Years
Tomkins, Calvin Duchamp
Trilling, Lionel The Liberal Imagination
Tucker, Andrew The London Fashion Book
Wallace, David Foster Signifying Rappers
Wurtzel, Elizabeth Prozac Nation
Yau, John Fetish
Young, Elizabeth Shopping in Space
Zedd, Nick Totem of The Depraved


Cassell's New French Dictionary
Concise Etymological Dictionary of The English Language
The New York Public Library Science Desk Reference
Spanish Dictionary
Living French


The Adobe Anthology 2
Anglican Theological Review
Apalachee Quarterly 43
Arshile 7
Arshile 8
Arshile 10
A Writer's Journal
Badaboom Gramophone #3
The Baffler 8
Black Ice 1
Black Ice 6
Black Ice 7
Black Ice 8
Black Ice 9
Black Ice 10
Black Ice 11 & 12
Compact Bone 2
Degenerative Prose
Evergreen Review 2
Evergreen Review 1 & 2 & 3
Fodor's Toronto
The Future of Fiction: RCF
Grand Street 62
Grove Press Number: RCF (2)
Headpress 16
Hermenaut #11/12
Journal of Beckett Studies
London's Good Coffee Shops
The Lounge Lizard Journal
Nerve: Literate Smut
New Finnish Fiction: RCF
Open City 3
Open City 6
Paris Review 145
Partisan Review 1981
Pearl 5
Pearl 8
Pearl 12
Pearl 17
Pearl 20
Phoebe, summer 1994
Red Tape 7
Syphilis: a synopsis
TriQuarterly 38
Talisman 7
Talisman 10
Talisman 11
Talisman 13
Virgin Fiction

RCF issues:

Djuna Barnes
Fiction Issue
Harry Mathews
Arno Schmidt
Novelist as Critic
New French Fiction
Joseph McElroy
Alex Theroux/Paul West
Georges Perec/Felipe Alfau
Robert Walser
New Flemish Fiction
Angela Carter/Tadeusz Konwicki
New Danish Fiction
Stanley Elkin/Alasdair Gray
John Barth/David Markson

Hanuman Books

Ashbery, John The Ice Storm
Beckmann, Max On My Painting
Bellamy, Dodie Feminine Hijinx
Burroughs, William S. Painting & Guns
Corso, Gregory Mind Field
Creeley, Robert Autobiography
Darling, Candy Candy Darling
Daumal, Rene The Lie of The Truth
Daumal, Rene A Fundamental Experiment
Danielou, Alain Fools of God
Denby, Edwin Willem de Kooning
Dylan, Bob Saved! The Gospel Speeches
Equi, Elaine Views Without Rooms
Firbank, Ronald Firbankiana
Flanagan, Bob Fuck Journal
Frank, Robert One Hour
Geldzahler, Henry Looking At Pictures
Genet, Jean What Remains of a Rembrandt....
Gerstler, Amy Primitive Man
Ginsberg, Allen Your Reason & Blake's System (signed)
Guenon, Rene Oriental Metaphysics
Hell, Richard Artifact
Hockney, David Picasso
Houston-Montgomery, B. Pouf Pieces
Huncke, Herbert Guilty of Everything
Hunter, Robert Idiot's Delight
Indiana, Gary White Trash Boulevard
Katz, Vincent Cabal of Zealots
Kerouac, Jack Safe in Heaven Dead
de Kooning, Willem Collected Writings
Mead, Taylor Son of Andy Warhol
Mueller, Cookie Garden of Ashes
Michaux, Henri By Surprise
Myles, Eileen Bread & Water
Myles, Eileen 1969
Penna, Sandro Confused Dream
Picabia, Francis Yesno
Picabia, Francis Who Knows
Rosenthal, Manuel Satie, Ravel, Poulenc
Smith, Jack Historical Treasures
Smith, Patti Wool Gathering
Trinidad, David November
Trinidad, David Three Stories
Weil, Simone On The Lord's Prayer
Wieners, John A Superficial Estimation]
Wieners, John Conjugal Contraries & Quart (signed)
Zedd, Nick Bleed (Part One)



Auster, Paul Lulu on The Bridge
Black, Andy Necronomicon: Book Two
Paris, Barry Audrey Hepburn
Sargeant, Jack Deathtripping
Sargeant, Jack Naked Lens
VanBebber, Jim Charlie's Family
Walker, Alexander Audrey
Zelcock, Bev Renegade Sisters


Allen, Donald The New American Poetry
Ashbery & Schuyler A nest of Ninnies
Baudelaire, Charles Les Fleurs Du Mal
Baudelaire, Charles Petites Poemes en Prose
Bricuth, John Just Let Me Say This About That
Cole, Norma Moira
Cole, Norma Mon Livre Des Oiseaux
Cole, Norma Contrafact
Coultas, Brenda Early Films
Jabes, Edmond The Book of Questions 1
Jabes, Edmond The Book of Questions 2 & 3
Palmer, Michael At Passages
Palmer, Michael First Figure
Ricard, Rene God With Revolver
Simas, Joseph Sets
Sirowitz, Hal Mother Said
Sorrentino, Gilbert The Perfect Fiction
Waldrop, Rosmarie The Aggressive Ways of the Casual Stranger
Young, Kevin Most Way Home


Lux Interior RIP

I was lucky to see them in the early days. I was at this gig in the video. If you stop at :59 I am in the middle of the frame.

Newport Folk Festival Announces Stewardship Program, Names Nathaniel Rateliff As First Appointee