
About Us

What is The Portable Infinite?

The Portable Infinite is an online music and arts magazine. We are a collective of independent artists supporting and promoting other cutting edge independent artists. Here you will find interviews and reviews of up and coming indie bands as well as some of the classic greats. While the focus is on music, we don’t stop there! Find interviews with important and influential authors and other artists. Feed on our visually stunning photography exclusively shot for The Portable Infinite. We have created over the years original words and photography that are featured on this website. We also focus on art installation, special artists’ collaborative events, DJ experiences, and fashion!

Meet the original team

Alexander Laurence: Founder & Editor
Angel Ceballos: Photographer

Contact: AlexLaurence @ aol.com

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite."

A Celebration of the Life of David Lynch Sunday, January 26, 1:30 pm ET

  We invite you to a celebration of the life of our dear David, a great artist and tireless advocate for bringing light into our world. We...