
Agriculture Announce Self-Titled Debut LP for The Flenser

Agriculture Announce Self-Titled Debut LP for The Flenser

Agriculture will be released July 21. // Listen to the album’s superhuman first single (feat. Patrick Shiroishi on Saxophone) “Look Pt. 1

Photo Credit: Math Erao.

For something to be “ecstatic,” the feelings and emotions it evokes must transcend what we tend to experience most regularly in our lives. Ecstatic joy isn’t just happiness; it’s a feeling of jubilation which impacts us emotionally and in a metaphysical, arguably spiritual sense too.

Although it has long been associated with connotations of the dark and macabre, extreme music has the ability to be a powerful mode of expression for these feelings of absolute bliss, overwhelming love, and awe-inspiring sublimity. Extreme emotions no less and those which black metal quartet Agriculture evokes with its ecstatic subversion of the subgenre’s tropes.

On Agriculture’s self-titled record and first full-length LP, it’s abundantly clear that the band’s use of heavy music to showcase the most resplendent emotions and moments of the human experience has a far deeper meaning. Woven between the flurries of soaring tremolo picking, crescendoing guitar harmonies, celebratory screamed vocals, thoughtful improvisation, and meditative atmospheric passages is the record’s mission statement to experience the wonders and joys of both the esoteric and physical world.

These facets are showcased within Agriculture's first single and album opener, "Look Pt. 1," which premieres today as a lyric video.

What was initially a meeting and subsequent series of jam sessions between Kern Haug and Daniel Meyer, two musicians in the Los Angeles underground noise scene, would eventually manifest as a shared vision to portray the sublimity of the human experience through the vehicle of heavy music. Following the additions of veteran guitarist Richard Chowenhill and bassist/vocalist Leah Levinson to the band’s lineup, this idea would crystalize into the “ecstatic black metal” backbone of Agriculture’s music, first heard on the band’s 2022 debut EP, The Circle Chant.

The concepts and thematic questions previously planted by the band have blossomed into powerful, fully-realized artistic and philosophical statements on Agriculture. To put it in the band’s words, “...where 'The Circle Chant' is like a finger pointing at the moon, the self-titled LP is like a whole body screaming at it with reverence.”

Through the extreme splendor of ecstatic black metal and the improvisational, experimental, and cathartic elements it embodies, Agriculture illustrates these otherwise incomprehensible questions with a poignant beauty that makes its music as much of an artistic statement as it is a transcendental experience.

Agriculture will be available on physical and digital formats July 21st from The Flenser and is available for pre-order here.

See Agriculture on the road this June:

June 8 - Los Angeles, CA - Permanent Records Roadhouse

June 10 - Las Vegas, NV - The Usual Place

June 11 - Salt Lake City, UT - The International

June 12 - Denver, CO - The Hi-Dive

June 13 - Wichita, KS - The Wave

June 14 - Kansas City, MO - Farewell

June 15 - Oklahoma City, OK -The Sanctuary

June 16 - Austin, TX - The Mohawk for Oblivion Access

June 8 - Los Angeles, CA - Permanent Records Roadhouse

June 10 - Las Vegas, NV - The Usual Place

June 11 - Salt Lake City, UT - The International 

June 12 - Denver, CO - The Hi-Dive

June 13 - Wichita, KS - The Wave

June 14 - Kansas City, MO - Farewell

June 15 - Oklahoma City, OK -The Sanctuary 

June 16 - Austin, TX - The Mohawk

June 19 - Denton, TX - Andy's

June 20 - San Antonio, TX - Faust

June 21 - El Paso, TX - The Music Gallery

June 22 - Tucson AZ, - Club Congress

June 23 - Phoenix AZ, - Trunk Space

June 24 - San Diego CA, - Private Location


Agriculture, track listing:

  1. The Glory of the Ocean
  2. The Well
  3. Look, Pt. 1
  4. Look, Pt. 2
  5. Look, Pt. 3
  6. Reiler

Agriculture, cover art:


For more on Agriculture:


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