
Kramer Shares "Stars Will Die Tonight" Single + Video via ECHOES | 'Music for Films Edited by Moths' Due 8/26 via Shimmy-Disc/Joyful Noise

Kramer Shares "Stars Will Die Tonight" Single + Video 

Read the Exclusive The Quietus Interview

Music for Films Edited by Moths LP due 8/26
via Shimmy-Disc/Joyful Noise
PRE-ORDER & SHARE: Kramer - Music For Films Edited by Moths LP

LISTEN/WATCH & SHARE: Kramer - "Stars Will Die Tonight"
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube

LISTEN/WATCH & SHARE: Kramer - "Like the Planets Love the Sun"
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube

"'Stars Will Die Tonight' is a gorgeous, serene piece of minimalist-tinged progression as it builds through an ostinato pulse and slow motion electronic swells. A pulse emerges as a piano augments the frail melody, followed by strings that appear out of nowhere building to a crescendo across its nearly five minutes, ascending into swirling contrapuntal spirals before disappearing into the ether."

"Kramer's layers of sound - sitting somewhere in the middle of the 'poignant / sinister' Venn diagram - are readymade for celluloid. The tense twanging of 'Ladder To The Moon' is prime audio for the moment a devastating revelation hits the protagonist, whilst 'Requiem For Max' is itching to be dragged into a Final Cut timeline, right at the part when a craggy-faced old soul digs out a projector from his loft, plonks himself down on the floor and watches the dusty Super 8 films of his youth."
The Quietus

"Like a reluctant seer refracting what he sees through the prism of his own experience, Kramer’s voice here, both the authorial and literal, has a dream-like, allusive quality that somehow manages to both put your nerves slightly on edge while soothing them in the same instant."

"This is a visual representation like no other, impressionistic and technologically advanced, an exercise for the eye that incorporates depth-of-field perception techniques that force the eye to zero in on what’s central to the core of the sound-image events. It draws the listener, and viewer, into the light, making this so much more than just an audio-focused experience."

"A blackened composition that makes like a Nick Cave song turned highly confessional [...] the sort of track that will stick with you long after it’s finished playing."

"The atmospheric track underpinned by echoey vocals and soft, layered instrumentals feels like a lullaby before the heart-wrenching lyrics catch up to you."

"Beyond announcing Kramer’s first truly solo album in some 23 years, 'The Crying,' both in sound and visual representation, brings us a portrait of an artist that refuses, as ever, to hide behind artifice, to front with any show of false bravado (a phrase that is redundant to point of absurdity), instead proceeding as straight ahead and hellbent as possible through the sheer wonderment of pain and loss and age, damn life’s shitty torpedoes."

Today, iconic musician and producer Kramer shares "Stars Will Die Tonight," the latest single off his recently announced LP, Music for Films Edited by Moths, out August 26 via Shimmy-Disc/Joyful Noise Recordings. The new track comes alongside an accompanying video, part of a video series that will be slowly revealed alongside the LP release.

Visual Artist TINCA VEERMAN creates a uniquely visual soundboard for Kramer’s ambient compositions. The two artists collaborate as equals to create an audio-visual experience for the listener-viewer that compels him/her to re-focus their attention inward, from the objective, to the deeply subjective.

Speaking on his forthcoming LP of ambient, atmospheric works, Kramer wrote:

"What i have come to embrace is the working notion that there is no Past, and no Future. There is only a constantly evolving series of microscopic moments that constitute the miraculous Present. As fertile as it is and always has been, for me, Memory is a chimera. So if you asked me what it is exactly that i am trying to do now, with Music, be it through song, or through ambience, i would confess that what i'm doing couldn't be more simple; i am just trying to explain myself. I'm trying to show you who i am."       

The ten compositions on Music for Films Edited by Moths represents the first flickerings of Ambient Cinema.

Ambient Cinema is what happens when a composer imagines a film in his head, then performs and records the music for that subconscious film, and then creates a film to accompany the music (or, in this case, collaborates with a visual artist to bring that imaginary film to life).

Imagination first, music second, film last. One, two, three.

That, is Ambient Cinema, and this is where it begins. Please stay with us. There is much more to come.

Kramer - "Stars Will Die Tonight" [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Video by Tinca Veerman

Music for Films Edited by Moths Bio:

In the ten compositions that comprise this new LP, mournful at times yet mysteriously life-affirming and generous in their scope, Kramer sees films where there are none, and composes his accompanying ambient soundtracks in a state of interrupted grace. Words, text, complete screenplays, character arcs, shooting scripts and storyboards swirl through his head as he puts his imagery to sound, and the results evoke a world in which moths, drawn to the bright flickering lights of Cinema and the low humming lights of Dreams, in Kramer's own words, "...might never die." 

Though often evocative of dreams, there is nothing even remotely somnambulant about this new work. It bears witness to a frenetic intelligence that asks for the listener's full and waking participation. Intensely passive yet electrically charged, the music comes before the film, as the film becomes the music.

The LP's nature reveals an interior dialogue between musician and choice. Each piece represents Kramer's encounter with the blank canvas of silence that greets him as a composer. Embracing sounds as objects and instruments of Truth, the end result of his process is as much about what is absent and what has been removed or edited away than what is left in its wake as artifacts of emotion. These pieces are the Spring frost of lost imaginings, vanitas to broken connections, visions nearly unrecordable by the human eye. Kramer envisions a music that functions to stop time, as an event that always plays in the present and never needs a past to give it a reference point. It is music that communicates in the most intimate way possible, as intricately and as deeply as the way it blossoms and shifts and evades categorization when exposed to thin air. 

Drawn toward the light of a multitude of influences, we hear echoes of the feverishly frozen dreams of composers Morton Feldman, Terry Riley, Brian Eno and Arvo Part, melting alongside the surreal cinemas of David Lynch and The Brothers Quay, all parts converging to evoke a time and place that does not exist outside of the mind's eye of the listener. These ten works are fluid adventures in fathomless landscapes, emotions distilled and offered as a painter-less canvas without a physical home. Each individual composition is an offering to a future memory, a chalice to be filled with the listener's own reactions to them. As a whole, the ten pieces form an image of ten circling planets in an expanding galaxy that colors itself anew with each subsequent listen. Movement, grace, and Peace. 

After making much of his career within the practically anonymous labors of an independent record producer — one that embroiders the labors of others to be seen in their finest light, without shedding originality for a brand or to be enhanced with jarring, trend-setting effects recycled for commerce and profits — Kramer's collaborations strive to give a purer vision to Art and a confidence in wandering without boundaries through each artist's ever-evolving intuitive processes. He regards the undiscovered oceans of creative possibilities without judgements or fears. For him, the act of making Art is the act of fearing nothing.

Composing these works for films that do not exist, Kramer collaborates on the video art for this project with Dutch Multi-Media artist Tinca Veerman, who crafts a uniquely idiosyncratic and profoundly sensual visual world for Kramer's visceral imagination. Veerman's stunning creations for the human eye are a perfect compliment for Kramer's audio love letters for the human soul.

As a solo artist, Kramer has always worked with his own unique vocabulary. He is a sound-poet; a restless interpreter of his own imagination and emotions using the experience of his works to invite stillness, openness, Truth, and a selfless surrender to the infinite possibilities that manifest themselves by the simple yet sometimes radical act of Listening.  

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