
LISEL Shares Video For "Mirage" via The FADER



(Photo Credit: Gregory Wikstrom)

Early praise for Lisel:

"She exerts god-tier control over her soprano, approaching her work with the dogged precision of serious classical training. The Los Angeles-based polymath brings all this fussy expertise to her debut solo record, Angels on the Slope, under the moniker Lisel. A collection of pop songs with subtle experimental undertones, it's Bagg's most outrĂ© release to date..." - Pitchfork 

"[Lisel] revels in small electro-pop ecstasies that burrow inward" - NPR Music

"['Mirage' is] a sweeping, clattering ballad that feels simultaneously unearthly and deeply, wonderfully human" - The FADER

"Vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Eliza Bagg is creating a world in her own image with her solo project Lisel, but she's leaving room for the complex dualities in our minds with her latest single 'Vanity'...Lisel's sputtering samples and loops give her idyllic vocals the impression of a program sequenced to perfection." - Billboard

"The result is a complex shimmer of a pop song, one with a lot of rapidly moving pieces that, as a whole, move at a measured pace. It's like the audio version of an optical illusion." - Stereogum

"'Digital Light Field' is...beautifully balanced between those lush individual sounds and the austere arrangement. The work is a true aesthete." - Clash

"'Ciphers' feels less to us like a debut single and more like an immersive portal into a vibrant and fully-formed new universe, radiant and shimmering with otherworldly beauty and light, constructed around Bagg's singular, exquisite voice..." - Gorilla vs. Bear

Singer, producer, multi-instrumentalist and artist Eliza Bagg recently launched her new solo project Lisel, and her remarkable self-produced debut album, Angels on the Slope, was released this summer via Luminelle. Bagg has drawn upon her vast areas of expertise to create the other-worldly landscape of Angels on the Slope, where one wanders between the gauzy and ethereal and distorted, beat-driven pop. Her work as one-half of Pavo Pavo, her collaborations with indie and electronic acts like Helado Negro and Julianna Barwick, and her experience as a classical singer, performing in legendary avant-garde operas by Meredith Monk with the LA Philharmonic all culminate in this singular debut that is not to be missed.

Today Lisel shares the music video for Angels on the Slope-highlight "Mirage." "We were interested in making a video that subverts expectations of whose gaze we're experiencing as a viewer," director Harrison Atkins explains. "Eliza and I were both inspired by film language that has a sense of conceptual meta-awareness, which is clearly a formal facet of the song, too.  For me the video is a game of, 'whose perspective is this?' - and each cut is a reversal, revealing our previous sense of the situation to be a mirage. By the time we're in the last shot, there's this explosive sensation -- Eliza taking her frame, coming into power." Check out the video and song now via The FADER  HERE.

Bagg masterfully blends her experimental, classical, avant garde and indie-pop expertise throughout Angels on the Slope. Always aiming to create immersive art that transports the listener "to a place where our everyday, familiar thoughts about the world don't quite fit exactly," Bagg has crafted a gorgeous record, grounded in specific, strange vocal sounds that form a diverse, otherwordly landscape and results in a singular debut that is not to be missed. Purchase, stream or download Angels on the Slope HERE.

Lisel will be performing on January 14th at Resident in Los Angeles, supporting Odetta Hartman. Tickets can be purchased here.

1.) Ciphers 
2.) Digital Light Field 
3.) Hollowmaker 
4.) Vanity 
5.) Bloodletting 
6.) Hunker Down 
7.) GENUiNE 
8.) Sun And The Swarm 
9.) Mirage 
10.) This Time Tomorrow

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