Goat have premiered the official video for “I Sing In Silence,” the A-side from their forthcoming single. The new visual was directed by Henrik Nyblom and Christofer Högberg. The directorial duo had this to offer about the video: “It was an intense experience where we could visualise our art. It’s a short trip of the life spectre. Look close and you might find easter eggs.”Stereogum premiered the video and had this to say, ““Through its distorted filmography, the video incites a celebration of this brightness and of the quiet and calm that exists, too. As a hooded figured engages with the jovial beauty in the world, they illustrate just how powerful the connectivity of it all can be...The song itself is a folksy psych-pop lope that could almost pass for Woods covering Animal Collective, so a trek into nature is highly appropriate here (see video premiere Monday, May 9th)."
Goat have also extended their previously announced 2016 European tour schedule through the fall. The tour now spans June 1st in Barcelona with a performance at Primavera Sound Festival and runs through October 14th in Paris at Cabaret Sauvage.
About Goat’s "I Sing In Silence" b/w "The Snake of Addis Ababa" single: New music from Goat is always a time for celebration, and we are excited to announce the band’s return with a 7" of brand new material.
Last year Goat released the single “It's Time for Fun” which saw the band experimenting with drum machines, which brought a different pulse to their tribal psych. This desire to explore new sounds continues with their new single “I Sing in Silence.” But instead of plugging in new instruments the band have unplugged and created an addictive groove with mostly un-amped, acoustic instruments.
Elastic guitar lines, woodblock percussion, and flutes which drive the song are enveloped by one of the strongest vocal deliveries by the bands enigmatic singers, resulting in a powerful and catchy psych-pop number.
The B side, an instrumental called “The Snake of Addis Ababa,” is a looping, North-African mantra played on a teasing, fuzzed guitar, underpinned by a djembi groove. The repetitive riff is disrupted bypiano that freely solos over the groove, and a pounding drum lifts the song to a seriously head-nodding conclusion.
This single is further proof that, in a world of similar sounding and similar looking psych bands, Goat are standing completely out on their own and we are all the better for it.
Tour Dates Jun. 01 - Barcelona, ES - Primavera Sound Jun. 11 - Eindhoven, NL - Eindhoven Psych Lab Jun. 12 - London, UK - Field Day Jun. 17 - Duisburg, DE - Traumzeit Festival Jun. 19 -Gaou/Hyeres, FR - Ile du Pointu Festival Jul. 09 - Liege, BE - Les Ardentes Festival Jul. 10 - Gent, BE - Cactus Festival Jul. 22-24 - Barcelos, PT - Milhões de Festa Aug. 28 - Turin, IT - Torino Today Festival Sep. 03 - Dorset, UK - End of the Road Festival Oct. 07 - Malmö, SE - Babel Oct. 08 - Köpenhamn, DK - Den gråhal Oct. 10 - Köln, DE - Stadtgarten Oct. 11 - München, DE - Ampere Oct. 12 - Berlin, DE - Berghain Oct. 13 - Heidelberg, DE - Karlstorbahnhof Enjoy Jazz Oct. 14 - Paris, FR - Cabaret Sauvage
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