
Five Fingers Make A Fist

Hello, my name is Alexander Laurence. I wrote a book of stories. It's a work of fiction. It's not about music.

Five Fingers Make A Fist comes out on October 1st, 2007

But you can buy it now at:

In San Francisco: Anarchist Bookstore, Aardvarks Books, Adobe Books, Modern Times, and Dog Eared Books

In Los Angeles: Kosher News 370 N. Fairfax avenue
Kate Los Angeles 515 S. Fairfax avenue

Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220152347631

And now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Five-Fingers-Make-Alexander-Laurence/dp/0977441032/ref=sr_1_1/104-5165417-5848743?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1190943581&sr=8-1

A review

"I have read your book.  I find
your writing voice to be concise, economical, and straightforward
while the stories and the points of views of the characters are highly
imaginative and fanciful. I like the terseness, immediacy,  and
intimacy of your characters' point of view. There is a lot of pain,
anger, and sexual charge, but also hints of redemption piercing
through this collection.  I like how some stories are short and self
contained while others are composed of movements as in a piece of
classical music. You have a very sharp, intelligent mind which seeks
to make sense of the human condition through a series of jolts and
quiet spaces. I appreciate the spaces you give the reader to breathe
after a more shocking or nihilistic piece. It is the hope within the
darkness which gives the work soul and breadth. The story "Words" was
particularly moving. You could definitely write for films either by
writing novels that someone else adapted or possibly doing the
adapting yourself. I can see you enjoy the poetry of writing and a
screen play necessarily dumbs that all down. But I am sure you would
enjoy seeing your imaginings brought to life visually. Looking forward
to reading your future novel."


allison said...

What do you suggest is the best way to purchase your book? I can't decide. :)

alexander laurence said...


allison said...


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