HEAD BALLET are a self-produced duo made up of Kiera Court and Danny Casio, who formed whilst living together in Manchester during lockdown. The two developed an electric writing dynamic, experimenting with sounds - drawing upon personal experiences and bonding over mutual heroes such as Grimes, Arcade Fire and Nine Inch Nails. Having already gained the support of BBC Introducing, HEAD BALLET are creating music undefined by boundaries and building a soundtrack to the growing pains of young adulthood. After gaining over 7,000 streams through a string of Soundcloud only releases this year - HEAD BALLET finally stepped into the world of Spotify with their debut single ‘Real Life’ - which saw them gain support from the likes of Reprezent Radio, Euphoria and The Most Radicalist. Returning with their second single ‘Eraser’ - which started as an industrial Nine Inch Nails inspired production before Kiera and Danny added acoustic guitars, heavy synths and feathery, forlorn vocals. This allowed the song to take on a more indie dance form with a nod to heroes such as New Order and Wolf Alice. That being said, the lyrics have held true from the beginning, hopelessly examining the pain in pleasure. “It’s about looking to escape yourself and finding comfort in what allows you to do that. ‘Eraser’ was written at a time where we were feeling quite low. Everything felt like it was falling apart, so we looked elsewhere and to each other to distract from reality.” ___________ Follow HEAD BALLET Facebook Twitter Soundcloud Spotify Instagram |
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