Formed in Austin, TX, Loveme is an amalgamation of five friends devoted to mining their lives. The group is composed of classically trained pianists Rae Mascardo, Ernesto Grey, and Kelly Gibson, along with Wade Stephens, a classically trained drummer who also studied jazz, and Sammi Drogosch, a classically trained vocalist who originally made her trek to Austin to study opera.
Sharing this classical background, their sound springs from a well of understanding how tonal powers can express and connect the intricacies of human experience and emotion.
Loveme was born when three members found themselves weathering a similar landscape of grief, loss, and transition. In a spacious room, they hooked up an electric guitar and a reverb-soaked microphone and let loose a wail that prophesied their musical world into existence. In the many nights of pulling apart their grief and developing an intimacy with its shapes and colors, they found a net beneath them that not only held and supported them but propelled them forward with meaning, into healing and rebirth.
While establishing their roots within Austin’s burgeoning music scene and selling out shows, Loveme is working on their debut record, set to release in 2024.
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