
Today Tunng Releases New LP, New Music Video & Rough Trade Release Day Event

Tunng Presents...DEAD CLUB LP out Today via Full Time Hobby Along with Official Music Video for Latest Single "Scared to Death"

tunng presents DEAD CLUB Sleeve

Tunng’s ambitious multimedia album DEAD CLUB is out now, and to celebrate the release, the band have shared the beautiful video accompaniment to latest focus track “Scared To Death,” directed by Sam Steer and featuring home-shot clips from the band.

The video deals with memory and the subtle connections the mind makes. kind of literally through the use of snippets of home video and more metaphorically via the medium of dance and abstracted shapes. - Sam Steer

Scared to Death video screen grab

Watch "Scared to Death" video here

Sam Genders spoke about the album’s release, and the journey he & the band took to get here...

This feels like the end of a long and fascinating journey for us, although of course the adventure is just beginning!

Two years ago we were sitting in the back of a tour van arguing about whether or not a project exploring our culture's relationship to death and dying was a great idea or a stupid one.

Since then we've learnt so much about death and grief, including just how little we really know, and the experience has been more enriching than we ever imagined it would be.

We don't think of ourselves as experts, more like curious novices, but we've come to feel that maybe we all have much to gain if we can learn to talk about death more openly.

When the pandemic hit, we were shocked and unsure of whether to continue making this music. In the end we felt that perhaps this conversation is even more important than it was before.

Sometimes this project has been challenging. Discussions with grieving friends were hard to have and yet also deeply rewarding.

Exploring our own pain and our tendency to react around this subject was sometimes difficult.

We've tried to embrace the beauty and the pain of life and death in these songs and we know that for some of you they won't be an easy listen, but we've also had some touching messages from friends and colleagues who have found that the album was cathartic for them. They cried but they also laughed. They were reminded of the love they carry for loved ones who have died.

If any of this brings up painful feelings in you, we'd encourage you to seek support. Visit the support page on our website (www.tunng.co.uk) speak to your GP, tell a friend.

Our intention isn't to tell you how to feel or behave around these subjects. We want to share the fact that for us, being a part of this emerging conversation has been worthwhile.

For some of us, it's even made life richer, brighter, something for which we're more grateful than we were before.



Rough Trade are very excited to present this Interactive Live Stream Zoom Q&A with Sam, Mike & Becky from Tunng, joining host for the evening Laura Barton from The Guardian for an intimate in-conversation. The evening will also feature readings from writer Max Porter, an exclusive screening of a live solo performance of an album track, a screening of the Scared To Death video, and an opportunity for audience questions.

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