
Don Muro's Classic 1977 Space-Pop Masterpiece Reissued!

Don Muro's It's Time

Superbly Musical 1977 Masterpiece
Reissued by Flannelgraph / Landlocked Records
Distributed by Light In The Attic
Out 10/8/2013!

"Most lost-classic reissues fit snugly into genre ghettos, but Don Muro's 1977 masterpiece It's Time defies even our precise 21st-century methods of classification. Rock, funk, synth-pop, disco, ambient, space-age: nothing suffices. It's funny, it's solemn, it's light, it's shady, it's sly, it's earnest, and it's none and all of the above. Enjoy it ironically and suddenly it gets sublime; take it seriously and soon enough it's having fun at your expense. I dare you to try to file this one away - chances are it'll keep poking its head out of your collection, challenging you to figure it all out before it even attracts a speck of dust." —Marc Masters (Pitchfork; The Wire)

"Muro's album is entirely his own creation: he plays guitar, bass, and drums in addition to piano, organ, and a battery of synthesizers. It's always refreshing to find superb music flourishing on the fringes of the established superstar scene." —Keyboard, December 1977
Facts about Don Muro’s It's Time:

• Originally self-released in 1977 on Don Muro's Sine Wave Records
• Remastered in 2013 by Alex Deturk at Masterdisk
• 150g vinyl reissue includes digital download
• Distribution by Light In The Attic
• Vinyl promos available upon request (they will be available soon, let us know!)
• Release date October 8th on Flannelgraph Records/Landlocked Music (co-release)


Don Muro is recognized as a composer, performer, author, and educator specializing in music technology. As a composer he has been the recipient of several ASCAP composition awards. His music has been performed in settings ranging from London’s St. Paul's Cathedral to Disneyland. He has composed music in several musical genres including electronic (abstract, imitative, pop), rock (psychedelic, hard, pop, jazz-rock, alternative) and New Age. He has also composed music for orchestra, chorus, concert band, jazz band and organ. His educational music is widely used throughout the United States as well as in Europe and in Japan. His demonstration compositions for the legendary Korg M1 helped to make it the world’s best selling synthesizer.

Don Muro is recognized as a master synthesist specializing in live performance techniques for electronic keyboard. He began working with synthesizers in 1970 and has presented electronic music concerts, lectures, and master classes to more than 500,000 listeners throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. In 1983 he commissioned the creation of the world’s first MIDI 32-note pedalboard. He has recorded three albums of original music and has performed/recorded with musicians including John Scofield, T Lavitz, Chuck Leavell, Roger Powell, Chuck Loeb, Arnie Lawrence, Narada Michael Walden and Paul Winter.

Throughout his career Don has been an active advocate for music technology. In addition to producing two videos, he has written six books as well as the Music Expressions Music Technology/MIDI Keyboard Curriculum (Alfred). He is a contributing author of the Technology Guide for Music Educators (Thompson) and Technology Integration in the Elementary Classroom (Hal Leonard). He is also a co-author of the TI:ME (Technology Institute for Music Educators) Level II instructional materials for advanced sequencing and was the editor for the TI:ME 1A course revision in May 2011. He has written more than ninety articles about music and technology for publications such as International Musician, The Instrumentalist, Keyboard, Music Educators Journal, Music Education Technology and The American Organist. He has taught music technology classes to more than 4,000 music educators through his summer workshops. He served as an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University Teachers College and as Artist in Residence at Duquesne University. He served as a contributor to the New York State Education Department and as a member of the National Association for Music Education (MENC) Technology Task Force. In addition, he was the first chairman of Electronic Music for both IAJE (International Association of Jazz Educators) and NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) as well as one of the founding members of TI:ME.

Don is currently a member of both the TI:ME Board of Directors and the NYSSMA Technology Committee. In 2013 he started the MuroMusicProject, focusing on the release of new music as well as recordings and videos of music composed and performed over the past fifty years. The first project is the re-mastering and re-release of his 1977 LP It’s Time in a variety of formats including digital download, CD and vinyl (available October 2013).

“…undeniable talent…” —NEWSDAY

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